Arboriculture Specialist

Job Description:

An arboriculture specialist focuses on the cultivation, management, and care of trees, ensuring their health, safety, and proper maintenance in various environments.

Job Category:
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing

What you will do:

As an arboriculture specialist, you will be:

  • assessing, caring for, and managing trees by conducting tree health evaluations
  • pruning, planting, diagnosing diseases and pests
  • advising on tree care practices
  • ensuring the overall well-being of trees in urban and natural environments


You will need:

  • knowledge in tree biology, identification, soil science, pruning, tree health, planting, urban forestry
  • knowledge in climbing safety, risk assessment, environmental stewardship, safety regulations, equipment use, communication, research skills, and legal considerations

As well as:

Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

While specific GCSE subjects may not be strictly required to become an arboriculture specialist, certain subjects can provide a strong foundation for pursuing higher education and a career in this field. Recommended GCSE subjects might include:

  1. Biology: Biology provides a fundamental understanding of living organisms, including trees, and their ecosystems.
  2. Environmental Science: This subject covers ecological concepts and environmental issues, relevant for understanding tree care in various settings.
  3. Mathematics: Mathematics skills are useful for measurements, calculations, and applying scientific principles.
  4. Chemistry: Chemistry knowledge can help in understanding soil composition, nutrient cycles, and tree health.
  5. Geography: Geography offers insights into landscapes, climate, and environmental interactions, which are relevant for urban forestry.
  6. Design and Technology: This subject can develop skills in handling tools and equipment, which are important for arborists.
  7. English: Effective communication skills are valuable for writing reports, interacting with clients, and presenting findings.

While these subjects can provide a solid foundation, pursuing further education in arboriculture or a related field, such as forestry or horticulture, is often necessary. The most critical aspect is having a genuine interest in trees, conservation, and a willingness to learn and work hands-on in the field.

The qualifications and requirements to become an arboriculture specialist can vary based on your location and the specific role you’re aiming for. However, here are general steps and qualifications that are often relevant:


A high school diploma or equivalent is typically the minimum requirement to start in entry-level positions. Pursue higher education such as a diploma, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree in arboriculture, forestry, horticulture, or a related field to enhance your knowledge and job prospects.

Training and Certifications

Obtain practical experience through internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level positions to gain hands-on skills.
Consider earning certifications from organizations like the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), which offer credentials like the Certified Arborist or Certified Tree Worker.


Work experience in tree care, maintenance, or landscaping is valuable. This experience can be gained through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions.

Knowledge and Skills

Develop a strong foundation in tree biology, health assessment, pruning techniques, safety protocols, and equipment operation. Stay updated with industry standards, best practices, and advancements in arboriculture.

Licensing and Regulations

Depending on your location, you might need to obtain a license or certification to legally perform tree care services. Familiarise yourself with local regulations regarding tree removal, pruning, and other tree-related activities.

Physical Fitness

The role can be physically demanding, so maintaining good physical fitness is important for tasks like climbing, lifting, and using equipment.

Continuous Learning

Arboriculture is a dynamic field with evolving practices. Continue learning through workshops, courses, and conferences to stay updated.

Remember that the specific qualifications and requirements can vary based on the country, state, or region you’re in. Always research the requirements of your area and any specific employer you’re interested in to ensure you meet their criteria.

Working Hours and Environment:

Arboriculture specialists work full-time hours outdoors in diverse environments, including urban areas and natural settings, often involving physical labor, equipment use, safety precautions, and varying seasonal demands.

Career Path & Progression:

A typical career path for an arboriculture specialist involves starting with entry-level positions in tree care or groundskeeping, advancing to roles as certified arborists, and potentially specializing in areas like urban forestry, consulting, or research, with opportunities to work for municipalities, landscaping companies, consulting firms, or establish independent practices.