Explore Your Strengths & Career Potential

Learn how to answer the “tell me about yourself” question.
Uncover your Personality Traits, Problem Solving & Interpersonal Skills. Discover famous people like you. See what career is right for you.
Discover your Personality Traits
Take our award winning Personality Test. Know your Personality Type, including your strengths, big five personality traits and work styles. Find the words to describe yourself.

See Famous People Like You
Use our Personality Database to find someone like you. Someone famous, someone successful. See yourself through a different lens. Get a list of Personality Traits you have in common.
Career Coach.
Explore Careers, Find Your Future.
Our Career Explorer will find the careers the best suit you. Search our database of over 15,000+ jobs. Shortlist your favourites. See what knowledge and skills each require. Find your future with us.
Use our AI backed SkillsCloud to match your skills to 1,500+ different jobs. Using your education, qualifications and experience our AI will match you to the jobs that suit you best. You’ll be amazed by the career opportunities we’ll find for you!
Test Strengths Like Problem Solving
Employers increasingly use aptitude tests to select ideal candidates. Why wait to find out how you’ll perform. Use our Brain Games to test your skills now.