Baekhyun (EXO)

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
Main Category:
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Byun Baek-hyun (born 1992), better known as Baekhyun, is a South Korean singer and actor.

Baekhyun is a member of the South Korean-Chinese boy group Exo. Since 2019, he has pursued a solo career. His first EP was a huge success, selling more than 500,000 copies.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Broker

Broker Personality Type
Brokers are typically innovative, outgoing, optimistic, enthusiastic and curious. They tend to be socially skilled and communicative, and enjoy making new contacts and maintaining existing relations.
Main Category: K-pop Big5 Personality Type:SCOAN MBTI Personality Type:ESFP

Byun Baek-hyun (born 1992), better known as Baekhyun, is a South Korean singer and actor.

Baekhyun is a member of the South Korean-Chinese boy group Exo. Since 2019, he has pursued a solo career. His first EP was a huge success, selling more than 500,000 copies.

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