Johnny (NCT)

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
Main Category:
Big5 Personality Type:
MBTI Personality Type:

John Suh (born 1995), known by his stage name Johnny, is an American singer and rapper. He is the sub-vocalist and the sub-rapper of NCT 127 and NCT U, and formerly a member of SMROOKIES.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Pioneer

Pioneer Personality Type
Pioneers are typically free-thinking, adventurous, spontaneous and highly creative. They are independent-minded, often clever and always original. If a novel solution to a problem is needed, the Pioneer is a good person to ask because they tend to use original approaches in solving difficult problems.
Main Category: K-pop Big5 Personality Type:SCUAI MBTI Personality Type:ENTP

John Suh (born 1995), known by his stage name Johnny, is an American singer and rapper. He is the sub-vocalist and the sub-rapper of NCT 127 and NCT U, and formerly a member of SMROOKIES.

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