Moriah Rose Pereira (Poppy)

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
Main Category:
Big5 Personality Type:
MBTI Personality Type:

Moriah Rose Pereira (born 1995), known professionally as Poppy and formerly That Poppy, is an American singer, songwriter, musician and YouTuber.

In 2014, she rose to prominence by starring in sometimes unsettling performance art videos directed by Titanic Sinclair that presented her as an uncanny valley-like android entity who commented on and satirised internet culture and modern society.

In 2017, Poppy signed to Mad Decent and released her debut studio album, Poppy.Computer, which consisted of art pop and bubblegum pop songs. In 2021, Poppy received a Grammy Award nomination.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Director

Directors are independent, future-oriented, calm confident and controlled. They have a charismatic and commanding presence, and tend to be mature in outlook and approach. They are long-term thinkers, who thrive on setting goals and achieving them.
Main Category: Music Big5 Personality Type:RLOEI MBTI Personality Type:ISTJ

Moriah Rose Pereira (born 1995), known professionally as Poppy and formerly That Poppy, is an American singer, songwriter, musician and YouTuber.

In 2014, she rose to prominence by starring in sometimes unsettling performance art videos directed by Titanic Sinclair that presented her as an uncanny valley-like android entity who commented on and satirised internet culture and modern society.

In 2017, Poppy signed to Mad Decent and released her debut studio album, Poppy.Computer, which consisted of art pop and bubblegum pop songs. In 2021, Poppy received a Grammy Award nomination.

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