Seán McLoughin (Jacksepticeye)

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
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Big5 Personality Type:
MBTI Personality Type:

Seán William McLoughlin (born 1990), better known as Jacksepticeye, is an Irish Youtuber and internet personality, known primarily for his comedic Let’s Play series and vlogs.

As of April 2022, his channel has over 15 billion views and over 28 million subscribers, currently the most-subscribed channel in Ireland. McLoughlin uploads daily content to his YouTube channel, usually Let’s Play or vlog style videos.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Broker

Broker Personality Type
Brokers are typically innovative, outgoing, optimistic, enthusiastic and curious. They tend to be socially skilled and communicative, and enjoy making new contacts and maintaining existing relations.
Main Category: Pop Culture Big5 Personality Type:SCOAI MBTI Personality Type:ESFJ

Seán William McLoughlin (born 1990), better known as Jacksepticeye, is an Irish Youtuber and internet personality, known primarily for his comedic Let’s Play series and vlogs.

As of April 2022, his channel has over 15 billion views and over 28 million subscribers, currently the most-subscribed channel in Ireland. McLoughlin uploads daily content to his YouTube channel, usually Let’s Play or vlog style videos.

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