Environmental Scientist

Job Description:

An Environmental Scientist studies and analyzes the natural world, identifying and addressing environmental issues and promoting sustainable solutions.

Job Category:
Environmental Industry

What you will do:

As an environmental scientist, you will be:

  • Conducting studies to assess environmental conditions and impacts
  • Gathering data from fieldwork, lab tests, and remote sensing
  • Evaluating potential effects of projects on ecosystems
  • Contributing data and insights to guide environmental policies
  • Designing and implementing plans to restore ecosystems
  • Identifying sources of pollution and suggesting mitigation measures
  • Advising on sustainable resource use and conservation strategies
  • Communicating findings to the public, policymakers, and stakeholders
  • Working with interdisciplinary teams and agencies for holistic solutions
  • Studying the impact of climate change and suggesting adaptation strategies


You will need:

  • knowledge in environmental science, chemistry, biology, geology and climate science
  • knowledge in environmental laws and ecosystem management
  • knowledge in data analysis
  • knowledge in GIS and remote sensing
  • knowledge of fieldwork techniques and research methods

As well as:

Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become an environmental scientist, focusing on these GCSE subjects can be beneficial:

  1. Science (Biology and Chemistry): Provides foundational understanding of ecosystems and chemical processes.
  2. Geography: Offers insights into environmental dynamics and spatial aspects.
  3. Mathematics: Develops analytical skills essential for data analysis and modelling.
  4. English: Enhances communication skills for writing reports and presenting findings.
  5. ICT (Information and Communication Technology): Familiarity with data management and technology tools.
  6. Physical Education: Supports physical stamina for outdoor fieldwork.

Choosing these subjects establishes a strong foundation for pursuing a career in environmental science.

To become an environmental scientist, you typically need:


A bachelor’s degree in environmental science, ecology, biology, geology, or a related field.

Advanced Degrees (optional)

Some roles may require a master’s or Ph.D. for specialised positions or academic research.

Fieldwork Experience

Practical skills in collecting samples, conducting surveys, and site assessments.

Working Hours and Environment:

Environmental scientists typically follow regular office hours for research, analysis, and meetings, with fieldwork or site visits requiring flexibility; they work in varied settings including offices, labs, and outdoor locations, with frequent travel for fieldwork and conferences.

Career Path & Progression:

A typical career path for an environmental scientist involves obtaining education, starting as an entry-level technician, advancing to mid-level roles with specialisation, moving into project management or consulting, potentially transitioning to policy or advocacy work, and even pursuing academia.