While Others Focus on Destinations,
We Unlock Student Potential.

For Senior Leadership Teams

Built-in Reporting. A Complete Audit Trail For Inspections.
Our reporting module generates pre-canned and customised reports across the entire school, key stages, year groups, classes and interest groups. With every careers interaction in the one place, showcasing achievements is easy.

Best Practice: Gatsby, CDI Framework, Statutory Requirements.
Meet requirements laid out in the Gatsby Benchmarks, CDI Framework and Statutory CEIAG requirements. Track student progress and completion rates. Organise meaningful encounters.

Parental Engagement.
Using our student career e-portfolios parents are able to see what your school is doing with their child at every stage. Digital links can be attached to term and annual school reports, enhancing parental engagement in decisions around subjects and pathways.

AI Enabled, To Fast Track Outcomes.
Engage every student with our ethical AI, based on thousands of hours of research. With ethics and AI at the heart of everything we do, we can deliver a sustainable and truly engaging student experience.

For Career Teams

Whole School Platform.
A single integrated platform. Delivering best practice CEIAG. With PeopleHawk you can digitally deliver personalised learning at scale, saving valuable time and resources, while centrally managing year groups and classes.

Paperless Work Placements Module.
Paperless, hassle free work experience for students, parents, employers and schools. Manage and streamline Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, GDPR, Insurance, and Safeguarding from a single dashboard.

Plug & Play Workplans, Lesson & Activities.
Ready made, best practice aligned whole-school career resources. At your fingertips. Digitally enabled, with integrated teacher notes, slide presentations and worksheets. Add your own resources on top and customise your curriculum.

Interactive Career Planning.
With our interactive planning tools, students rapidly translate their newfound knowledge into an actionable roadmap, as we stitch together their career and academic options into a personalised Career Development Plans for key stages, career milestones and personal targets.

For Students

The VIP Treatment. No gimmicks, Just Science!
Using our scientifically validated Values, Interests and Personality assessments, student become truly self aware, unearthing matching careers, ideal courses and subjects to select at every key stage.

Immersive Career Exploration.
Students explore thousands of career options that match their strengths. Including UK and Irish University courses and live, customised job board with over 10,000 apprenticeship and other regional job opportunities.

Compare Pathways & Opportunities.
Students can compare every post-16 and post-18 pathway, including apprenticeships, FE and University courses across the UK and Ireland. Even better they can search, find and apply for live opportunities using their career profiles.

University & Job Applications Made easy.
Our AI enabled tools, enable students to quickly develop high impact application materials, like CVs, Personal Statements and Letters of Motivation. And to get direct feedback from you or our AI engine.

For Life

Personalised Career e-Portfolios. A Record of Achievement.
As students progress through year groups, their shareable, career e-portfolio is automatically updated to reflect their strengths, achievements and personal development. All together better!

Supporting The Complete Careers Journey. Logins For life.
When you partner with us, every one of your students get a unique login for life. So, whether they go on to university or college, or take on an apprenticeship they’ll continue to get the support and guidance they need to succeed.

Essential Skills & Knowledge.
From Year 8 to Year 14 and beyond we empower students to develop SkilsBuilder’s 8 Essential Skills, as well as the Advanced Skills giving them the knowledge, experience and planning capabilities they need to navigate their future.

Mock Interviews. Success Stories.
Our truly unique video interview app means students get a private, virtual booth to practice interviews throughout their career, for courses and jobs, with continuous AI feedback on their performance.

See What We Can Do For You

We’ve been widely recognised for transforming careers and personal development provision in schools and colleges. Our platform is GDPR Compliant, Cyber Secure and backed by Ethical AI.

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