Free CV Maker Create my perfect resume in minutes

The #1 resume builder, trusted by students, apprentices and graduates.
Why pay for an outdated resume builder, when you can have the best there is, for free. Create your custom CV in minutes. Use our resume wizard to design both traditional CVs and infographic resumes. What’s not to like?
Land your dream job in 3 easy steps
Creating the perfect CV online has never been easier! Save time with our easy 3-step resume builder.
1. Enter Your Details
Professional CV writing made easy. Pre-generated text. A comprehensive skills database and much more. All you need to do is fill in your contact details and other information. Job done!
2. Get All Designs. For Free.
We’ve got the best CV templates around, including professional, modern and creative CVs. We’ll even generate your free infographic resume, with a CV photo and QR code that links to your PeopleHawk e-portfolio.
3. Track Your Results.
Our integrated Job Board and Job Tracker will keep you ahead of the competition by tracking the employers and jobs you apply to. So, get started and get ahead.

Skills Based CV. 15,000+ job skills
Need to write a resume, or get a list of key skills for a CV for that all important skills section? Our unique AI will give you a complete list of skills for a CV, described in the way employers understand. Quickly search the skills required for any job and get the list of job related skills to match any job spec. Our AI-backed SkillsCloud has thousands of CV skills examples, giving you the perfect list of skills to put on a CV. All matched to individual jobs and careers.
Show off your potential. Not your past.
With our online resume builder, you can showcase your personality traits and greatest strengths, like problem solving skills. Check out our Explore section, with tools and features to build your career, such as our free Personality test where you can discover your strengths and capabilities.
Already Got A CV? Get It Checked Here!
Get hired faster using our Resume Checker. We’ll give you suggestions on how to raise your profile. Simply upload your resume and we’ll do the rest, giving you a list of recommendations to create a custom CV for that all important next career move.
Be so good you can’t be ignored
Even better, use our recruiter-tested tool, with professional field-tested templates for effective job interviews. See our Prepare section on job interviews. Why not use our Interview Prep app to prepare for those all important college and job interviews.
Professional CV Template
Whether you need a creative CV design or a student resume template we’ve got you covered. With a variety of CV formats and CV layouts , as well as grad school CV examples for students you can easily get the template you need.
Create modern, professional and creative CVs. All at once. We’ll give you all the templates, in one go. Just enter your details and get all versions back, right away. Then choose how, when and where to use the different templates.
You can find lots of simple CV templates online, but most of them are generic and outdated. Use PeopleHawk’s online CV maker, free to make your own custom version today!
Create e-Porfolio. Share & Download
Share via email or social media. Get your very own QR code that links your resume to your e-portfolio. Upgrade to a personal profile cv now!
Manage Multiple CVs
In today’s competitive market, a custom CV is key. Easily manage multiple versions, personalized for each application. Our CV builder enables you to build custom documents in minutes.
Analytics To Track Results
Only 2% of resumes make it past the first round. Our Job Tracker shows you when your resume has been viewed. It’s an essential tool for keeping track of your applications and making the most of your job search.
Free Resources & Support
Check out our free CV library, with guides, resources and blog articles to make the most of your job search.
CV Maker FAQs
Simple, because our resume builder is part of a step by step process to help you build a successful career. It’s important to remember that the first step in any career journey is to know your strengths and capabilities. That’s why PeopleHawk created its EPIC [Explore, Prepare, Inspire, Connect] career platform. Every career journey should start with the most important thing of all, you! So take our award winning Personality Test and start your EPIC career journey today!
‘CV’ stands for Curriculum Vitae, a Latin term that means ‘course of (one’s) life’. A CV provides a brief account of a person’s education, certifications, skills and work experience. Job seekers have used CVs for hundreds of years. Whilst the design and format may have changed, the purpose is still to successfully sell a person’s abilities to potential employers. A CV is called a resume in the US.
The golden rule is that you resume should be as short as possible. Ideally one page long, setting out in summary form your work history, achievements, experience and skills. This is especially true for students, apprentices and recent graduates. Employers typically spend only a few moments during a first sift of applications. So It’s all about creating immediate impact and making life easy for them.
A cover letter should be about 200 to 500 words, depending on your experience. You should aim for 3-6 concise paragraphs. Bear in mind what a cover letter is for. It introduces you as a candidate, so it needs to quickly showcase your personality and interest in the opportunity. Hiring managers do not have much time to spare, so you need to be concise and create maximum impact.