Blockchain Developer

Job Description:

Blockchain developers are software engineers who specialise in designing, developing, and maintaining applications and systems that leverage blockchain technology

Job Category:
IT Industry

What you will do:

Here are the key responsibilities and activities typically associated with the role of blockchain developers:

  • design and architect blockchain networks and systems, including selecting the appropriate blockchain platform (e.g., Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Binance Smart Chain) and consensus mechanism (e.g., Proof of Work, Proof of Stake) based on project requirements
  • write smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with predefined rules and conditions
  • create decentralised applications that interact with blockchain networks
  • create new cryptocurrencies or tokens on existing blockchain networks
  • design the tokenomics, manage the initial coin offering (ICO) or token sale, and implement features such as staking and governance
  • work on implementing and optimising consensus algorithms within a blockchain network to secure and validate transactions
  • conduct security audits to identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts and blockchain applications
  • implement security best practices to protect against hacks and vulnerabilities


You’ll need:

  • a strong understanding of blockchain technology, including its underlying concepts, data structures, and distributed ledger principles
  • familiarity with popular blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Binance Smart Chain
  • to know how to write, deploy, and interact with smart contracts
  • proficiency in programming languages commonly used for blockchain development, such as Solidity (for Ethereum), Go, Rust, or JavaScript (for web3.js and ethers.js)
  • to have skills in building decentralised applications (DApps) that interact with blockchain networks, including front-end development using web technologies
  • knowledge of cryptographic techniques used for secure data storage and transaction verification on the blockchain

As well as:

  • strong problem-solving skills to address complex challenges in blockchain development, including optimising performance and scalability
  • to be able to apply critical thinking
  • to pay meticulous attention to detail when writing smart contracts and handling cryptographic keys to avoid costly errors
  • to be adaptable to the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem and keep up with emerging technologies and standards (adaptability skills)
  • to collaborate effectively with other developers, blockchain architects, and project managers to achieve project goals (teamwork skills)
  • excellent communication skills
  • to manage your time efficiently
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a Blockchain Developer, you’ll need a strong foundation in computer science, programming, and blockchain technology. While specific qualifications are not mandatory, certain subjects and skills can be helpful in preparing for this career. Here are some subjects that can be beneficial:

  1. Mathematics: Strong math skills are crucial for understanding the cryptographic algorithms, data structures, and consensus mechanisms used in blockchain technology. Focus on algebra, calculus, and discrete mathematics.
  2. Computer Science: If your school offers computer science courses, consider taking them. These courses can introduce you to programming concepts, data structures, algorithms, and computer systems, which are fundamental to blockchain development.
  3. Programming: Develop proficiency in programming languages commonly used in blockchain development, such as Python, JavaScript, Solidity (for Ethereum), or Go (for Hyperledger). Familiarity with object-oriented programming (OOP) is important.
  4. Physics (Optional): Physics courses can provide insights into the concepts of cryptography, which is a key component of blockchain security.
  5. Information Technology (Optional): IT courses can introduce you to networking concepts, which are relevant when dealing with blockchain nodes and peer-to-peer networks.
  6. Web Development (Optional): Courses in web development can be useful if you plan to work on decentralized applications (dApps) that interact with blockchain networks.
  7. Cybersecurity (Optional): Understanding cybersecurity principles and practices is important for developing secure blockchain applications.

Post School

Higher Education
While not always required, many blockchain developers hold bachelor’s degrees in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. Some also pursue master’s degrees with a focus on blockchain technology.

Build a Portfolio
Create and showcase blockchain projects in your portfolio. Include examples of smart contracts, dApps, or other blockchain applications you’ve developed.

Join blockchain developer communities, attend conferences, and engage with professionals in the blockchain industry.

Consider obtaining certifications in blockchain technology to demonstrate your expertise and enhance your job prospects.

Stay Informed
Keep up-to-date with blockchain trends, emerging technologies, and industry news to remain competitive in the field.

Career Tips
Blockchain Developers create and maintain blockchain-based applications and solutions, ranging from cryptocurrencies to decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms. Building a strong technical foundation, gaining hands-on experience, and staying informed about blockchain advancements are key to success in this rapidly evolving field.

Working Hours and Environment:

Typically you could work 42 to 44 hours a week, occasionally including evenings, weekends, or holidays.

You could work in an office or from home.

Career Path & Progression:

Pursue advanced blockchain certifications or training programs to stay at the forefront of blockchain technology.

Share your expertise by teaching blockchain development courses, writing articles, or giving talks at conferences.

Get involved in blockchain organisations and associations, potentially serving in leadership roles or contributing to industry standards.

Consider launching your own blockchain-related startup or project if you have innovative ideas and entrepreneurial ambitions.