In the series The Owl House, Amity Blight is a major supporting character – a prodigious young witch who attends Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Initially, she was depicted as an antagonist, however, after bonding with Luz, she becomes a better person and is able to stand up to her parents. She is then also able to regain her friendship with Willow, and become good and close friends with Luz, subsequently her girlfriend.
PeopleHawk Personality Type: Achiever
In the series The Owl House, Amity Blight is a major supporting character – a prodigious young witch who attends Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Initially, she was depicted as an antagonist, however, after bonding with Luz, she becomes a better person and is able to stand up to her parents. She is then also able to regain her friendship with Willow, and become good and close friends with Luz, subsequently her girlfriend.
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