Anne Elliot

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Anne Elliot is portrayed by Dakota Johnson in the 2022 movie ‘Persuasion’, based on the Jane Austen novel of the same name. The protagonist of the novel, Anne Elliot is the sensible, gentle, and capable middle daughter of the aristocratic Elliot family at Kellynch Hall. Unlike her vain and spendthrift father, she possesses a calm mind and a kind heart resembling her deceased mother. Persuaded to break off her engagement with Frederick Wentworth at the age of 19, a commoner and young lieutenant in the navy, Anne has never married.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Anchor

Anchor Personality Type
Anchors are often described as practical, systematic, well organised, loyal and conservative. They tend to be endowed with copious amounts of common-sense and they’re down to earth, self-disciplined, trustworthy and reliable.
Main Category: Movies Big5 Personality Type:RCUAI MBTI Personality Type:ENFP

Anne Elliot is portrayed by Dakota Johnson in the 2022 movie ‘Persuasion’, based on the Jane Austen novel of the same name. The protagonist of the novel, Anne Elliot is the sensible, gentle, and capable middle daughter of the aristocratic Elliot family at Kellynch Hall. Unlike her vain and spendthrift father, she possesses a calm mind and a kind heart resembling her deceased mother. Persuaded to break off her engagement with Frederick Wentworth at the age of 19, a commoner and young lieutenant in the navy, Anne has never married.

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