Cenk Uygur

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Cenk Kadir Uygur (born 1970) is a Turkish-American journalist, political activist, and political commentator.

Uygur is the main host and creator of The Young Turks (TYT), an American progressive political and social commentary program. Before beginning his career as a political commentator, he worked briefly as an associate attorney in Washington, D.C. and New York City.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Mentor

Mentor Personality Type
Mentors are perceptive, highly adaptable and versatile, which enables them to interact effectively with diverse people and cope with sudden changes. They thrive in dynamic environments, love trying out new concepts and ideas, and show a lot of creativity.
Main Category: News / Journalists Big5 Personality Type:SLUAN MBTI Personality Type:ESTP

Cenk Kadir Uygur (born 1970) is a Turkish-American journalist, political activist, and political commentator.

Uygur is the main host and creator of The Young Turks (TYT), an American progressive political and social commentary program. Before beginning his career as a political commentator, he worked briefly as an associate attorney in Washington, D.C. and New York City.

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