Mayoi Ayase

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Mayoi Ayase is a member of the Starmaker Production’s Alkaloid. A character in the Anime and Manga ‘The Ensemble Stars’.

Mayoi adores anyone and anything that’s fragile and child-like. Although cowardly, he can’t ignore a person in need. He struggles going out in public and sometimes blurts out his true thoughts without thinking. With a voice that wavers deeply as he sings, his performances are soft and lingering.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Anchor

Anchor Personality Type
Anchors are often described as practical, systematic, well organised, loyal and conservative. They tend to be endowed with copious amounts of common-sense and they’re down to earth, self-disciplined, trustworthy and reliable.
Main Category: Anime & Manga Big5 Personality Type:RLUAI MBTI Personality Type:ISFJ

Mayoi Ayase is a member of the Starmaker Production’s Alkaloid. A character in the Anime and Manga ‘The Ensemble Stars’.

Mayoi adores anyone and anything that’s fragile and child-like. Although cowardly, he can’t ignore a person in need. He struggles going out in public and sometimes blurts out his true thoughts without thinking. With a voice that wavers deeply as he sings, his performances are soft and lingering.

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