Michael Burry

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
Main Category:
Big5 Personality Type:
MBTI Personality Type:

Michael James Burry (born 1971) is an American investor, hedge fund manager, and physician. He founded the hedge fund Scion Capital, which he ran from 2000 until 2008.

Burry is best known for being the first investor to foresee and profit from the subprime mortgage crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2010.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Director

Directors are independent, future-oriented, calm confident and controlled. They have a charismatic and commanding presence, and tend to be mature in outlook and approach. They are long-term thinkers, who thrive on setting goals and achieving them.
Main Category: Business MBTI Personality Type:INTJ

Michael James Burry (born 1971) is an American investor, hedge fund manager, and physician. He founded the hedge fund Scion Capital, which he ran from 2000 until 2008.

Burry is best known for being the first investor to foresee and profit from the subprime mortgage crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2010.

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