Murray (portrayed by Brett Gelman) is a main character in the TV series Stranger Things. Murray was a quirky, but vigilant journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Although an investigative journalist, Murray was always ignored by others due to his eccentric behavior and strange reports in solving investigations. He is hired by the Hollands to investigate the disappearance of their daughter Barbara in Season 2. And again returns in Seasons 3&4.
PeopleHawk Personality Type: Pioneer
Murray (portrayed by Brett Gelman) is a main character in the TV series Stranger Things. Murray was a quirky, but vigilant journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Although an investigative journalist, Murray was always ignored by others due to his eccentric behavior and strange reports in solving investigations. He is hired by the Hollands to investigate the disappearance of their daughter Barbara in Season 2. And again returns in Seasons 3&4.
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