Naberius Kalego

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Naberius Kalego is a character from a manga television series called Mairimashita! Iruma-kum.

He is one of the prestigious (and short tempered) professors at Babyls Academy, a school in the demon world. He is the homeroom teacher of the Abnormal Class, one of Suzuki Iruma’s teachers, as well as Iruma’s familiar after being contracted to him which is unbeknownst to him due to Iruma’s true nature as a human. He holds a strong dislike towards demons with an easygoing attitude.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Achiever

Achiever Personality Type
The Achiever is energetic, possesses high motivation and drive, with strong goal orientation and high productivity. They are competitive and business-like. Achievers are action and results oriented, and focus on the tasks ahead where performance and productivity are key.
Main Category: Anime & Manga Big5 Personality Type:RCOEN MBTI Personality Type:ISTJ

Naberius Kalego is a character from a manga television series called Mairimashita! Iruma-kum.

He is one of the prestigious (and short tempered) professors at Babyls Academy, a school in the demon world. He is the homeroom teacher of the Abnormal Class, one of Suzuki Iruma’s teachers, as well as Iruma’s familiar after being contracted to him which is unbeknownst to him due to Iruma’s true nature as a human. He holds a strong dislike towards demons with an easygoing attitude.

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