Nene Kusanagi

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
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Big5 Personality Type:
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A character from the Project Sekai Colourful.

A first-year student at Kamiyama High School, she is part of the musical show unit “Wonderlands x Showtime.” Nene and Kamishiro Rui are next-door neighbors and childhood friends. Rui was the one who recommended her to join the troupe. She’s a great singer and dreams of singing on stage for a musical, however, she doesn’t appear on stage. Instead, she operates her Nene-Robo and performs through it.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Director

Directors are independent, future-oriented, calm confident and controlled. They have a charismatic and commanding presence, and tend to be mature in outlook and approach. They are long-term thinkers, who thrive on setting goals and achieving them.
Main Category: Anime & Manga Big5 Personality Type:RLOEI MBTI Personality Type:INTP

A character from the Project Sekai Colourful.

A first-year student at Kamiyama High School, she is part of the musical show unit “Wonderlands x Showtime.” Nene and Kamishiro Rui are next-door neighbors and childhood friends. Rui was the one who recommended her to join the troupe. She’s a great singer and dreams of singing on stage for a musical, however, she doesn’t appear on stage. Instead, she operates her Nene-Robo and performs through it.

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