Porfirio Diaz

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José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori (1830 – 1915) was a Mexican general and politician who served seven terms as President of Mexico, a total of 31 years. The entire period 1876–1911 is often referred to as the Porfiriato.

He was able to establish a strong centralised state which he held under his control, destroying local leadership and controlling courts.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Director

Directors are independent, future-oriented, calm confident and controlled. They have a charismatic and commanding presence, and tend to be mature in outlook and approach. They are long-term thinkers, who thrive on setting goals and achieving them.
Main Category: Historical Big5 Personality Type:RCOEI MBTI Personality Type:ENTJ

José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori (1830 – 1915) was a Mexican general and politician who served seven terms as President of Mexico, a total of 31 years. The entire period 1876–1911 is often referred to as the Porfiriato.

He was able to establish a strong centralised state which he held under his control, destroying local leadership and controlling courts.

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