Ringo Starr

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Sir Richard Starkey (born 1940), known professionally as Ringo Starr, is an English musician, songwriter, singer, and actor who gained worldwide fame as the drummer for The Beatles.

He has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and is widely considered one of the greatest drummers of all time.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Mentor

Mentor Personality Type
Mentors are perceptive, highly adaptable and versatile, which enables them to interact effectively with diverse people and cope with sudden changes. They thrive in dynamic environments, love trying out new concepts and ideas, and show a lot of creativity.
Main Category: Music Big5 Personality Type:SCUAN MBTI Personality Type:ESFP

Sir Richard Starkey (born 1940), known professionally as Ringo Starr, is an English musician, songwriter, singer, and actor who gained worldwide fame as the drummer for The Beatles.

He has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and is widely considered one of the greatest drummers of all time.

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