Saki Tenma

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Tenma Saki is a first-year student at Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy. She’s the keyboardist of Leo/need (also known as L/n is an all female band) which consists of 4 childhood friends. Due to a childhood illness, she could not attend middle school and was taken care of by her older brother, Tsukasa. However, by the time she reached high school she was well enough to attend. A cheerful character who never stops smiling.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Broker

Broker Personality Type
Brokers are typically innovative, outgoing, optimistic, enthusiastic and curious. They tend to be socially skilled and communicative, and enjoy making new contacts and maintaining existing relations.
Main Category: Anime & Manga Big5 Personality Type:SCOAN MBTI Personality Type:ESFJ

Tenma Saki is a first-year student at Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy. She’s the keyboardist of Leo/need (also known as L/n is an all female band) which consists of 4 childhood friends. Due to a childhood illness, she could not attend middle school and was taken care of by her older brother, Tsukasa. However, by the time she reached high school she was well enough to attend. A cheerful character who never stops smiling.

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