Todd Howard

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Todd Howard (born 1970/1971) is an American video game designer, director, and producer.

Howard is currently the director and executive producer at Bethesda Game Studios, where he has led the development of the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series. In 2009, GamePro magazine named Howard one of the “Top 20 Most Influential People in Gaming” over the last 20 years.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Shaper

Shaper Personality Type
Shapers are energetic, dynamic and driven individuals who are able to motivate and inspire passion in others. Naturally intuitive and considerate, Shapers are the individuals who make sure everyone is heard. They are extroverts who tend to push themselves and others to achieve results.
Main Category: Pop Culture Big5 Personality Type:SCOEI MBTI Personality Type:ENTJ

Todd Howard (born 1970/1971) is an American video game designer, director, and producer.

Howard is currently the director and executive producer at Bethesda Game Studios, where he has led the development of the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series. In 2009, GamePro magazine named Howard one of the “Top 20 Most Influential People in Gaming” over the last 20 years.

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