Yuuichi Katagiri is a character from the Anime and Manga series, Tomodachi Game (The Friend Game).
Yuuichi Katagiri is a sophomore in high school. A poor student, he works part time to make a living, and lives alone, but values friendship above all else. An incident leads him to get involved in an unreasonable game of paying off debts.
A diligent and happy student in the beginning, as the story progresses the character shows a much more sinister side.
PeopleHawk Personality Type: Director
Yuuichi Katagiri is a character from the Anime and Manga series, Tomodachi Game (The Friend Game).
Yuuichi Katagiri is a sophomore in high school. A poor student, he works part time to make a living, and lives alone, but values friendship above all else. An incident leads him to get involved in an unreasonable game of paying off debts.
A diligent and happy student in the beginning, as the story progresses the character shows a much more sinister side.
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