Cryptocurrency Analyst

Job Description:

A Cryptocurrency Analyst evaluates market trends, digital asset performance, and economic indicators to provide insights and recommendations for investment decisions related to cryptocurrencies.

Job Category:
Financial Services

What you will do:

As a cryptocurrency analyst, you will be:

  • Studying price trends, trading volumes, and market behavior of various cryptocurrencies
  • Analysing blockchain data, transaction patterns, and on-chain metrics to derive insights
  • Evaluating potential investment opportunities and risks in the cryptocurrency market
  • Monitoring and assessing the performance of digital assets and their correlation with market events
  • Identifying potential vulnerabilities and security risks associated with cryptocurrencies
  • Monitoring macroeconomic factors that could impact cryptocurrency prices
  • Staying updated on industry news, regulatory developments, and technological advancements
  • Applying chart patterns, indicators, and technical tools to predict price movements
  • Assessing the underlying value and utility of specific cryptocurrencies
  • Advising on diversified cryptocurrency portfolios aligned with risk tolerance and goals
  • Preparing reports and presentations to communicate findings and recommendations to clients or stakeholders
  • Providing insights and educational content to the broader community
  • Keeping track of emerging blockchain projects and novel token use cases
  • Staying informed about evolving regulations affecting cryptocurrencies
  • Keeping pace with the fast-evolving cryptocurrency landscape


You will need:

  • knowledge of blockchain technology and economic principles
  • knowledge of technical analysis, fundamental analysis and blockchain analysis
  • knowledge of cryptocurrency market dynamics
  • knowledge of risk management, regulatory awareness and security awareness
  • knowledge of data interpretation, quantitative skills and news tracking

As well as:

Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a cryptocurrency analyst, focusing on these GCSE subjects can be beneficial:

  1. Mathematics: Strong mathematical skills are crucial for data analysis, statistics, and understanding market trends.
  2. Economics: Develop an understanding of economic principles, market dynamics, and financial indicators.
  3. Computer Science/ICT: Gain proficiency in data analysis tools, databases, and programming languages used for analysis.
  4. Business Studies: Learn about financial markets, investment principles, and business operations.
  5. English: Effective communication skills are important for presenting findings and insights.

These subjects provide a solid foundation for the analytical, technical, and economic aspects of the role.

To become a cryptocurrency analyst, you generally need to fulfill these qualifications and requirements:


A bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, computer science, data science, or a related field is commonly required.


Entry-level roles like research assistant or data analyst can provide valuable experience.

Certifications (Optional)

Some professionals pursue relevant certifications, such as Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP), or Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI).

Working Hours and Environment:

A cryptocurrency analyst’s working hours and environment vary, often involving irregular hours due to global markets, remote work with a home office setup, extensive research and analysis, virtual collaboration, news monitoring, meetings, and adaptability to sudden market changes.

Career Path & Progression:

A typical career path for a cryptocurrency analyst involves starting with an entry-level role, transitioning to a dedicated cryptocurrency analyst, potentially specializing, advancing to senior and strategic roles, contributing to industry knowledge, networking, continual learning, gaining recognition, and exploring entrepreneurship or management opportunities.