
Job Description:

An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects, their behavior, classification, ecology, and interactions with the environment.

Job Category:
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing

What you will do:

As an entomologist, you will be:

  • Studying insect behavior, physiology, taxonomy, and ecology to expand scientific understanding
  • Identifying and categorising insect species based on their characteristics
  • Investigating insects’ interactions with their environment and other species
  • Developing strategies to control and manage insect pests in agriculture and urban settings
  • Assessing and promoting the conservation of insect species, especially those at risk
  • Studying insects that transmit diseases to humans and animals
  • Teaching and sharing research findings with students, professionals, and the public
  • Evaluating insects’ positive contributions to ecosystems, such as pollination
  • Using beneficial insects to manage pest populations


You will need:

  • knowledge in biology, ecology, physiology, taxonomy and environmental science
  • knowledge in behaviour, pest management, entomological techniques and medical entomology
  • knowledge in research methods,
  • knowledge in conservation biology

As well as:

  • observation skills
  • critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • patience and persistence
  • effective communication skills
  • adaptability skills
  • the ability to work well with others (teamwork skills)
  • good ethics
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become an entomologist, focusing on these GCSE subjects can be helpful:

  1. Biology: Understanding foundational biological concepts and ecosystems.
  2. Chemistry: Gaining knowledge of chemical processes and interactions.
  3. Mathematics: Developing analytical and data interpretation skills.
  4. Physics: Acquiring a scientific mindset and problem-solving abilities.
  5. English: Improving communication skills for research and reports.
  6. Geography: Developing an understanding of ecosystems and habitats.

These subjects provide a solid base for pursuing a career in entomology and further studies in this field.

To become an entomologist, you generally need to meet these qualifications and requirements:

Bachelor’s Degree

Obtain a bachelor’s degree in entomology, biology, zoology, or a related field.

Master’s or Ph.D. (optional)

Pursue advanced degrees for research-focused or specialised roles.

Field Experience

Gain practical experience through internships, volunteer work, or fieldwork.


Build connections with other entomologists, researchers, and institutions.

Working Hours and Environment:

Entomologists typically work regular office hours for research and analysis, engage in fieldwork for observation and collection, collaborate with peers, and might travel for conferences or studies.

Career Path & Progression:

The common career path for an entomologist includes education in entomology or related fields, entry-level roles, graduate studies, becoming a junior researcher, advancing to research scientist, specializing, potentially moving into academia, industry, or consulting, and achieving leadership roles with ongoing research and professional development.