Mechanical Engineering Technician

Job Description:

Mechanical engineering technicians design, install and repair industrial machines and parts.

Job Category:
Engineering & Construction

What you will do:

As a mechanical engineering technician, you could:

  • use computer aided design (CAD) software to draw parts
  • test ideas to improve existing systems and solve problems
  • install and test instruments and machinery
  • identify and repair faults


meet performance and safety targets


You’ll need:

  • the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools
  • knowledge of engineering science and technology
  • maths knowledge
  • design skills and knowledge
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages confidently

As well as:

Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

The specific GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) subjects required to become a Mechanical Engineering Technician can vary depending on the educational institution or program you plan to pursue. However, I can provide you with a general guideline of the subjects that are commonly recommended or required:

  1. Mathematics: Mathematics is a fundamental subject for engineering and is typically a requirement for admission to most Mechanical Engineering
  2. Technician programs. A strong foundation in mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and calculus, is important for understanding engineering principles and performing calculations.
  3. Physics: Physics is another essential subject for mechanical engineering. It helps you understand the fundamental principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, and other key concepts in engineering.
  4. Chemistry: While not always a strict requirement, some programs may recommend or require a basic understanding of chemistry, especially if it is related to materials science or specific areas of mechanical engineering.
  5. English Language: Good communication skills are important in any engineering field, including mechanical engineering. Strong English language skills are valuable for technical writing and verbal communication.
  6. Design and Technology: Some programs may appreciate coursework or experience in design and technology, as it can provide practical skills and knowledge related to engineering design and processes.
  7. Additional Sciences: Depending on the program, you may benefit from taking additional science subjects such as biology or further physics to broaden your scientific knowledge.
  8. Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Proficiency in using computers and software is increasingly important in engineering. Familiarity with ICT can be valuable for tasks like computer-aided design (CAD) and data analysis.

Post School

You can get into this job through:

  • a university course
  • a college course
  • an apprenticeship

You can do a degree or higher national diploma in mechanical engineering.

You can take a college course which would teach you some of the skills needed to become a mechanical engineering technician. Relevant courses include:

  • Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Technology
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control
  • Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing

You can become a mechanical engineering technician by taking an advanced apprenticeship for maintenance and operations engineers or for engineering technicians.


Working Hours and Environment:

Typical working hours consist of 37-42 hours of work each week. You could work on weekends or in the evenings. You could work on a shift based system.

You could work in a factory or in an office.

Your working environment may be noisy and outdoors some of the time.

You may need to wear protective clothing.

Career Path & Progression:

With experience, you could manage a team or a project.

You could specialise in areas like CAD design or quality control.

You could also qualify as an engineer by completing a degree in mechanical engineering.