Quarry Engineer

Job Description:

Quarry engineers explore new sites, oversee extraction operations and manage sites at the end of their commercial life.

Job Category:
Metals & Mining

What you will do:

You will:

  • use ground-surveying techniques to check the sites geology
  • drill earth and rock samples for lab testing
  • build up computer models of a site and its deposits
  • make recommendations on how to proceed

If mining goes ahead, you will:

  • manage the day-to-day running of operations
  • oversee technical staff (leadership skills)
  • produce progress reports
  • monitor health and safety
  • draw up plans to guard against emergencies like a tunnel collapsing or flooding
  • make plans for restoration of the site after quarry workings end


You’ll need:

  • knowledge of engineering science and technology
  • design skills and knowledge
  • maths knowledge
  • knowledge of building and construction
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently

As well as:

  • operations analysis skills
  • excellent verbal communication skills
  • thinking and reasoning skills
  • analytical thinking skills
  • organisational skills
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a Quarry Engineer, you’ll need to focus on subjects and skills related to engineering and geology during your GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) studies. Quarry engineering involves the design, management, and operation of quarries, which are mining sites for the extraction of minerals and aggregates. Here are some GCSE subjects and skills that can be beneficial for pursuing a career as a Quarry Engineer:

  1. Mathematics: Strong mathematical skills are crucial for engineering, including calculations related to material extraction, equipment design, and project management.
  2. Science: A foundation in science, particularly physics and chemistry, can be helpful for understanding geological processes, materials, and the mechanical aspects of quarry engineering.
  3. Geography: GCSE-level geography can provide insights into earth sciences, including aspects related to the geological formation of quarries and their environmental impact.
  4. Design and Technology: Subjects related to design and technology can provide practical skills that are relevant to quarry engineering, especially when it comes to machinery and equipment.
  5. Geology: If available at the GCSE level, a geology course can be especially beneficial for understanding the geological processes, rock types, and formations related to quarries.
  6. Computer Science or ICT (Information and Communication Technology): Familiarity with computer software and technology is valuable for tasks such as using computer-aided design (CAD) software for quarry design and management.
  7. Environmental Science: Understanding the environmental impact of quarry operations is important. A basic knowledge of environmental science can be advantageous.

Post School

You can get into this job through:

  • a university course
  • an apprenticeship

You can become a quarry or mining engineer by completing a foundation degree, higher national diploma or degree. You can choose from a subject like:

  • minerals engineering
  • mining engineering
  • geophysics
  • geology
  • Earth sciences
  • civil engineering

Courses that give you the opportunity to gain work experience through internships, placements or a year in industry may give you an advantage.

You may be able to gain some of the skills and knowledge relevant to this role through a higher apprenticeship as a minerals product technician. With experience and further training, you could then become a quarry engineer.

Working Hours and Environment:

You could work at a quarry or in an office.

Your working environment may be cramped, dusty, dirty and you may spend nights away from home.

You may need to wear protective clothing.

Career Path & Progression:

With experience, you could move into people or project management roles or into related careers like civil, construction or environmental engineering.

There may be opportunities to work on mining projects overseas.