Vehicle Spray Painter

Job Description:

Vehicle spray painters apply paint to cars and other vehicles, to cover up scratches or make colouring more consistent.

Job Category:
Automotive & Aviation

What you will do:

Your day-to-day duties could include:

  • preparing painting equipment
  • carrying out safety checks and following safety guidelines
  • applying several coats of paint, from the primer to the finish
  • mixing paint and matching colour, either by eye or using specialist computer software
  • cleaning your work area and equipment


You’ll need:

  • knowledge of public safety and security
  • business management skills
  • to be able to carry out basic tasks on a computer or hand-held device

As well as:

Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a vehicle spray painter, specific GCSE subjects are not typically required. However, certain subjects can provide a foundation for developing the skills and knowledge needed for this career. Vehicle spray painting involves a combination of artistic ability, technical skills, and attention to detail. Here are some relevant GCSE subjects and skills that can be beneficial for becoming a vehicle spray painter:

Relevant GCSE Subjects

  1. Art and Design: Developing artistic skills, understanding colours, and working with different materials can be valuable for achieving quality paint finishes.
  2. Design and Technology (D&T): Offers insights into working with tools, equipment, and understanding materials.
  3. Mathematics: Basic math skills can be useful for measurements, calculations, and mixing paint ratios.

Post School

Many people get into this role by taking an apprenticeship. In order to do this, you’ll normally need a good general education.

You may need to pass aptitude tests and colour vision tests to make sure you are suitable for this role. There may also be a medical test to check for any breathing problems which could be affected by fumes from the paint.

Working Hours and Environment:

You’ll likely be based in a workshop or garage. Your normal working hours will be 9am-5pm on weekdays.

Career Path & Progression:

With experience, your employer might offer the chance for you to get accreditation. This could help you progress to more senior roles.

You could also become a supervisor, or start your own busines