Billy Butcher

PeopleHawk Personality Type:
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William “Billy” Butcher is one of the main characters of the Amazon series, The Boys. A former member of the British special forces turned vigilante, Billy Butcher is as charming as he is cunning – a force of nature, who can talk almost anyone into anything either through a smile or brute force.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Analyst

Analyst Personality Type
Analysts are typically focused and analytical, but are also surprisingly creative. They are critical thinkers and very strategic in their approach. They are also logical observers and judges of what is going on.
Main Category: Television Big5 Personality Type:SLUEI MBTI Personality Type:ISTP

William “Billy” Butcher is one of the main characters of the Amazon series, The Boys. A former member of the British special forces turned vigilante, Billy Butcher is as charming as he is cunning – a force of nature, who can talk almost anyone into anything either through a smile or brute force.

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