Glenn Greenwald

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Glenn Edward Greenwald (born 1967) is an American journalist and author. Greenwald is best known for a series of reports published from June 2013 by The Guardian newspaper detailing the United States and British global surveillance programs, and based on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden.

Greenwald and the team he worked with won both a George Polk Award and a Pulitzer Prize for those reports. Before the Snowden file disclosures, Greenwald was considered one of the most influential opinion columnists in the United States. After working as a constitutional attorney for ten years, he began blogging on national security issues before becoming a Salon contributor in 2007 and then for The Guardian in 2012.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Shaper

Shaper Personality Type
Shapers are energetic, dynamic and driven individuals who are able to motivate and inspire passion in others. Naturally intuitive and considerate, Shapers are the individuals who make sure everyone is heard. They are extroverts who tend to push themselves and others to achieve results.
Main Category: News / Journalists Big5 Personality Type:SCOEI MBTI Personality Type:INTJ

Glenn Edward Greenwald (born 1967) is an American journalist and author. Greenwald is best known for a series of reports published from June 2013 by The Guardian newspaper detailing the United States and British global surveillance programs, and based on classified documents disclosed by Edward Snowden.

Greenwald and the team he worked with won both a George Polk Award and a Pulitzer Prize for those reports. Before the Snowden file disclosures, Greenwald was considered one of the most influential opinion columnists in the United States. After working as a constitutional attorney for ten years, he began blogging on national security issues before becoming a Salon contributor in 2007 and then for The Guardian in 2012.

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