Jaron Lanier

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Jaron Zepel Lanier (born 1960) is an American computer philosophy writer, computer scientist, visual artist, and composer of contemporary classical music. Considered a founder of the field of virtual reality, Lanier and Thomas G. Zimmerman left Atari in 1985 to found VPL Research, Inc., the first company to sell VR goggles and gloves.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Mentor

Mentor Personality Type
Mentors are perceptive, highly adaptable and versatile, which enables them to interact effectively with diverse people and cope with sudden changes. They thrive in dynamic environments, love trying out new concepts and ideas, and show a lot of creativity.
Main Category: Business MBTI Personality Type:INFJ

Jaron Zepel Lanier (born 1960) is an American computer philosophy writer, computer scientist, visual artist, and composer of contemporary classical music. Considered a founder of the field of virtual reality, Lanier and Thomas G. Zimmerman left Atari in 1985 to found VPL Research, Inc., the first company to sell VR goggles and gloves.

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