James ‘Jim’ Hopper (portrayed by David Harbour), also known as just Hopper in a main character in Strange Things. He is the Hawkins chief of police and has lived in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, nearly all his life, having attended high school with Joyce and Bob.
Haunted by a troubled past, Hop lapsed into alcoholism, after his divorce and the death of his daughter Sarah from cancer. Eventually, he grows to be more responsible, saving Will from the Demogorgon as well as taking Eleven in as his adopted daughter.
PeopleHawk Personality Type: Analyst
James ‘Jim’ Hopper (portrayed by David Harbour), also known as just Hopper in a main character in Strange Things. He is the Hawkins chief of police and has lived in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, nearly all his life, having attended high school with Joyce and Bob.
Haunted by a troubled past, Hop lapsed into alcoholism, after his divorce and the death of his daughter Sarah from cancer. Eventually, he grows to be more responsible, saving Will from the Demogorgon as well as taking Eleven in as his adopted daughter.
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