Grants Officer

Job Description:

Grants officers look at applications for grants from charities, government or public bodies and decide whether to award funding.

Job Category:
Financial Services

What you will do:

Your day-to-day duties could include:

  • checking applications meet funding criteria
  • advising people on applications
  • assessing applications against a strict set of rules
  • giving information and
  • recommendations to the decision-making panel
  • keeping people informed about the progress of their application
  • administering grant payments
  • supporting a caseload of grant holders and monitoring their progress
  • keeping accurate records of applications and payments
  • giving presentations to publicise grant schemes


You’ll need:

  • an understanding of grant funding: a strong understanding of the grant funding landscape, including knowledge of different types of grants (government, private, nonprofit), grant application processes, and grant terminology.
  • budgeting and financial management: understanding of budgeting principles and the ability to create and manage grant budgets. This includes monitoring expenditures and ensuring compliance with budgetary guidelines.
  • regulatory compliance: familiarity with grant regulations and compliance requirements, including reporting, documentation, and auditing. Grants Officers need to ensure that the organisation adheres to all grant terms and conditions.
  • the ability to analyse complex information and figures
  • IT and administrative skills

As well as:

  • excellent written and spoken communication skills to effectively communicate with potential donors, internal teams, and grant recipients.
  • fair and objective decision-making ability (adaptability)
  • presentation skills, problem solving skills and high ethical standards, intergrity and professionalisn in all internactions related to funds
  • organisational skills: excellent organisational skills to keep track of multiple grant applications, deadlines, and reporting requirements. Attention to detail is crucial to avoid errors.
  • negotiation and relationship building: the ability to build positive relationships with funders, grantees, and internal stakeholders. Negotiation skills may be required when discussing terms and conditions of grants.
  • project management: effective project management skills to oversee the grant application process from start to finish, including planning, coordination, and evaluation.
  • time management: efficiently managing multiple grant applications, deadlines, and responsibilities requires strong time management skills.
  • adaptability: being adaptable and open to learning about new grant opportunities, regulations, and best practices in the field.
  • teamwork: collaborating effectively with colleagues in other departments, such as finance, program management, and legal, to ensure a smooth grant management process.
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

Becoming a Grants Officer typically doesn’t require specific GCSE subjects, but having a strong educational background can certainly be beneficial. Grants Officers typically work in nonprofit organizations, government agencies, or foundations, and their primary responsibilities involve managing grants and funding opportunities. While there are no strict GCSE subject requirements, here are some subjects and skills that can be helpful for pursuing a career as a Grants Officer:

  1. English Language: Strong written and verbal communication skills are essential for writing grant proposals, reports, and communicating with stakeholders.
  2. Mathematics: Basic math skills are important for budgeting and financial management, which are often part of grant management responsibilities.
  3. IT/Computer Science: Proficiency in using computer software, databases, and spreadsheets can be valuable for tracking and managing grant applications and budgets.
  4. Business Studies or Economics: These subjects can provide a foundation in understanding financial principles and budgeting, which are crucial in grant management.
  5. Social Sciences: Courses in sociology, psychology, or political science can help you understand the social and political context in which grants are awarded and managed.
  6. Research Skills: Developing research skills can be beneficial for gathering data, conducting needs assessments, and evaluating the impact of grants.
  7. Project Management: While not a GCSE subject, understanding project management principles can be highly beneficial for Grants Officers, as they often manage multiple grant-funded projects simultaneously.
  8. Volunteer or Internship Experience: Consider volunteering or interning with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, or foundations to gain practical experience in grant-related work. This can be just as valuable as formal education.

Post School

There are no set entry requirements, but employers will usually expect you to have skills and experience in areas like:

  • basic accounting and budget management
  • database administration
  • project management
  • information gathering

Awarders of scientific research grants may ask for a science degree.

Paid or unpaid experience in conservation, the arts or community work may be useful.

Working Hours and Environment:

You’ll usually work standard office hours, Monday to Friday.

You’ll be office-based, but may also spend some of your time travelling to meet applicants and consultants. You might also visit projects and give presentations.

Career Path & Progression:

With experience, you could progress to senior grants officer, become a freelance grants consultant, or move into charity management.