Magazine Journalist

Job Description:

Magazine journalists research and write news articles and features for a wide variety of publications.

Job Category:
Culture, Media & Sport

What you will do:

Your day-to-day tasks may include:

  • going to meetings to plan the content of the magazine
  • suggesting ideas for articles
  • interviewing and researching to collect information for articles
  • writing articles to suit the magazine’s style
  • keeping up-to-date with developments and trends in the magazine’s subject area
  • working as a critic, reviewing things like films, food or concerts


You’ll need:

  • knowledge of media production and communication
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently

As well as:

  • excellent written communication skills
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail
  • the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure (adaptability skills)
  • ambition and a desire to succeed
  • thinking and reasoning skills
  • the ability to understand people’s reactions
  • persistence and determination
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a Magazine Journalist, there are no specific subjects that are mandatory. However, certain subjects and skills can be valuable in pursuing this career as they can help you develop the necessary foundation for journalism. Magazine journalism involves researching, writing, editing, and presenting information in an engaging and informative way. Here are some relevant subjects and skills:

  1. English: English Language or English Literature can provide you with strong writing and communication skills, which are essential for journalism.
  2. Media Studies: This subject can introduce you to media concepts, media analysis, and journalistic techniques.
  3. Mathematics: While not directly related to journalism, mathematics can help improve your analytical skills, which are useful for data-driven stories or financial reporting.
  4. History: Learning about historical events and contexts can be helpful for writing articles related to history or for understanding the historical background of certain topics.
  5. Foreign Languages: Depending on the magazine’s focus, knowledge of a foreign language can be beneficial, especially for international reporting.
  6. ICT (Information and Communication Technology): Proficiency in using digital tools and software for writing, editing, and multimedia content creation is essential in modern journalism.

Post School

There are no set requirements, but most new magazine journalists have an HND, degree or equivalent qualification.

Paid or unpaid work experience is a good way to build up your skills and a portfolio of published work to show employers. You could gain this with magazines or other publications, including student papers, fanzines, charity newsletters, websites or blogs.

You’ll usually need knowledge of the subject area your magazine deals with.

You may be able to get into this job through an apprenticeship.


Working Hours and Environment:

You’ll usually work 9am to 6pm. You may need to work longer or more irregular hours if you have a deadline.

If you’re freelance your hours will depend on how much work you have.

You may spend some of your time travelling, including overnight stays or overseas.

Career Path & Progression:

With experience you may be able to progress to an editing position or move into another area like newspaper journalism, radio or TV.

You could go freelance and write for various publica