
Job Description:

Naturopaths believe in improving their clients' health through natural therapies and education about lifestyle, diet and exercise.

Job Category:
Health Care & Social Assistance

What you will do:

As part of your day-to-day duties, you could:

  • discuss with a client their health, family and social history and their lifestyle habits
  • carry out a physical examination
  • take blood samples and carry out other tests
  • design a treatment plan based on the consultation and test results
  • advise on diet and lifestyle
  • keep detailed client notes
  • see clients for follow-up appointments
  • refer clients to a GP where necessary


You’ll need:

  • knowledge of how the human body works, human anatomy, physiology and the causes of diseases
  • counselling skills including active listening and a non-judgemental approach (a theraputic relationship with the client)
  • knowledge of psychology
  • to be able to use a computer and the main software packages competently

As well as:

  • excellent verbal/oral and written communication skills
  • analytical thinking skills
  • time management skills
  • sensitivity and understanding
  • decision making skills
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail (organisational skills)
  • the ability to understand people’s reactions (leadership skills)
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a Naturopath, it’s important to have a strong foundation in science, particularly in biology and chemistry. While there are no specific subjects required for this field, it’s advisable to choose subjects that provide a solid background in science and health-related topics. Here’s a list of recommended subjects to help you prepare for a career in Naturopathy:

  1. Biology: This subject provides a fundamental understanding of living organisms, human anatomy, physiology, and health-related topics.
  2. Chemistry: Chemistry is important for understanding biochemical processes in the body, as well as for studying the chemical properties of natural remedies and supplements.
  3. Physics: While not as directly related as biology and chemistry, physics can provide a broader scientific foundation and analytical skills that may be beneficial in healthcare-related fields.
  4. Mathematics: Mathematics, particularly statistics, can be useful for interpreting and conducting research in natural health practices.
  5. English: Strong communication skills are important for any healthcare profession, including Naturopathy. English can help you develop your writing and verbal communication skills.
  6. Nutrition: If available, courses or modules related to nutrition can be very beneficial, as diet and nutrition are central to the practice of Naturopathy.
  7. Physical Education (PE): While not directly related to Naturopathy, PE can provide a general understanding of exercise and fitness, which may be relevant in holistic health practices.

Post School

You can get into this job through:

  • a university course


You’ll need to get a qualification that is recognised by one of the professional organisations for naturopathy.

You should also check the course content covers all of the competencies you will need to meet voluntary registration as a naturopath and that it includes enough practical work experience.

Working Hours and Environment:

A typical week consists of 37-39 hours of work. You could be required to work in your own business managing your own hours.

You could work in a therapy clinic or at a client’s home. Your working environment may be physically and emotionally demanding.

Career Path & Progression:

With experience and through marketing your service you could build your client base.

You could specialise in a particular type of treatment or work with people with specific health problems.

You could also move into teaching or promoting naturopathic techniques or doing research into naturopathic therapies.