
Job Description:

Toxicologists are scientists who specialise in the study of toxic substances and their effects on living organisms, including humans, animals, and the environment

Job Category:
Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences

What you will do:

Here are the key responsibilities and activities typically associated with the role of toxicologists:

  • assess the potential risks and hazards of chemicals
  • examine factors such as toxicity, exposure levels, and routes of exposure
  • evaluate the safety of consumer products, drugs, cosmetics, and chemicals before they are approved for use
  • establish safe exposure limits or acceptable levels of exposure
  • study how individuals and populations are exposed to toxic substances
  • examine the impact of chemicals and pollutants on ecosystems and the environment
  • assess workplace exposures to hazardous chemicals and develop safety measures to protect workers
  • provide expertise in managing and treating cases of poisoning or exposure to toxic substances
  • study how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolises, and eliminates toxic substances


You’ll need:

  • a comprehensive understanding of toxicology principles
  • knowledge of chemical structures, reactions, and properties
  • understanding of how drugs and chemicals interact with biological systems
  • knowledge of the effects of pollutants and contaminants on ecosystems and the environment
  • proficiency in data analysis techniques, including statistical analysis and the interpretation of toxicological data

As well as:

  • ability to evaluate complex data and scientific literature to draw meaningful conclusions about the toxicological effects of substances
  • critical thinking skills
  • effective communication skills
  • ability to collaborate with scientists from various disciplines, such as chemists, biologists, and environmental scientists (teamwork skills)
  • safety awareness
  • time management skills
  • to be open to new methodologies, technologies, and research approaches (adaptability skills)
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a Toxicologist, you’ll need to pursue a comprehensive educational and training path in the field of toxicology and related sciences. While there are no specific qualifications required for this profession, certain subjects and skills can be beneficial as a foundation for your academic and scientific career. Here are some subjects that can be valuable for aspiring Toxicologists:

  1. Biology: Biology is highly relevant as it provides foundational knowledge about living organisms, their systems, and biological processes. Toxicology often involves the study of how toxins affect biological systems.
  2. Chemistry: A strong understanding of chemistry, including chemistry, is essential for understanding the chemical properties of toxic substances, their reactions, and their effects on living organisms.
  3. Mathematics: Basic math skills are important for data analysis, statistical analysis, and quantitative research in toxicology.
  4. Physics: Although not as directly related as biology and chemistry, physics can provide you with a broader scientific foundation and understanding of physical principles.
  5. Environmental Science: Environmental science courses can be valuable for understanding how toxins interact with the environment and ecosystems.
  6. Computer Skills: Familiarity with computer software and data analysis tools is important for analysing and modelling toxicological data.

Post School

Start by earning a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as toxicology, biology, chemistry, pharmacology, or a related discipline. This program should include coursework that covers toxicological concepts and laboratory techniques.

While not always required, some Toxicologists choose to pursue a master’s degree in toxicology or a related field to gain advanced knowledge and research skills.

Many Toxicologists hold a Ph.D. in toxicology or a related field. This involves several years of coursework, extensive research, and the completion of a doctoral dissertation.

Internships and Research Experience
During your academic studies, engage in internships and research projects related to toxicology to gain hands-on experience.

Depending on your specific career path and location, you may choose to obtain certifications or licenses in toxicology.

Continuing Education
Stay updated with the latest developments in toxicology through continuous learning, workshops, and conferences.

Toxicologists play a crucial role in assessing the safety of chemicals and substances and understanding their effects on human health and the environment. Building a strong educational foundation, gaining practical experience, and staying informed about the latest developments in toxicology are essential for a successful career in this field.

Working Hours and Environment:

Typically you could work 42 to 44 hours a week, occasionally including evenings. You could work in an office.

Career Path & Progression:

Some toxicologists transition to roles in regulatory affairs, where they work with government agencies to evaluate the safety of chemicals or products.

Others may enter consulting, providing toxicological assessments and advice to clients in various industries.

Specialise in areas like environmental toxicology or occupational health by taking additional coursework or obtaining relevant certifications.

With extensive experience, you can reach senior positions, such as Senior Toxicologist or Toxicology Director, where you oversee research projects, manage teams, and make strategic decisions.