Hugh “Hughie” Campbell Jr. (portrayed by Jack Quaid) is one of the main characters in the 2019 TV adaptation of The Boys. Hughie is leading an easy mundane life when the only true blessing in his life, his girlfriend Robun is accidentally killed by a speedster hero named A-Train. Desperate for revenge, Hughie’s recruited by anti-“Supe” vigilante Billy Butcher.
PeopleHawk Personality Type: Anchor
Hugh “Hughie” Campbell Jr. (portrayed by Jack Quaid) is one of the main characters in the 2019 TV adaptation of The Boys. Hughie is leading an easy mundane life when the only true blessing in his life, his girlfriend Robun is accidentally killed by a speedster hero named A-Train. Desperate for revenge, Hughie’s recruited by anti-“Supe” vigilante Billy Butcher.
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