Lain Iwakura

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Lain Iwakura is the main protagonist of the anime series, Serial Experiments Lain. Introduced as a shy Japanese girl in middle school at the beginning of the series, she is a sentient computer program designed to sever the barrier between the material world and the wired.

PeopleHawk Personality Type: Analyst

Analyst Personality Type
Analysts are typically focused and analytical, but are also surprisingly creative. They are critical thinkers and very strategic in their approach. They are also logical observers and judges of what is going on.
Main Category: Anime & Manga Big5 Personality Type:RLUEI MBTI Personality Type:INTP

Lain Iwakura is the main protagonist of the anime series, Serial Experiments Lain. Introduced as a shy Japanese girl in middle school at the beginning of the series, she is a sentient computer program designed to sever the barrier between the material world and the wired.

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