Organisational Development Consultant

Job Description:

Organisational Development (OD) Consultants are professionals who specialise in helping organisations improve their overall performance, efficiency, and effectiveness by implementing strategies and initiatives aimed at enhancing the organisation's structure, culture, processes, and human resources.

Job Category:
Professional Services

What you will do:

Here are the key responsibilities and activities typically associated with the role of Organisational Development Consultants:

  • conduct thorough assessments of the organisation’s current state
  • work with organisational leaders and stakeholders to establish clear and specific goals and objectives
  • develop comprehensive change management plans
  • outline strategies, timelines, and resources needed to achieve the identified goals
  • design and facilitate leadership development programs
  • facilitate team-building workshops and interventions to improve team cohesion, collaboration, and effectiveness
  • mediate and resolve conflict
  • develop strategies to measure and improve employee engagement and satisfaction
  • create training materials and resources to support ongoing learning and development


You’ll need:

  • knowledge of organisational development theories and models
  • a strong understanding of business operations, strategy, and industry trends
  • knowledge of principles of psychology, group dynamics, and organisational behaviour
  • skills in data collection, analysis, and interpretation
  • understanding of change management principles and methodologies
  • excellent communication skills, both written and verbal

As well as:

  • the ability to approach problems and challenges with a consultative mindset
  • understanding and empathy for the experiences, concerns, and perspectives of employees
  • ability to analyse data and information
  • to be flexible and adaptable in your approach (adaptability skills)
  • strong conflict resolution skills
  • effective project and time management
  • ability to think creatively to develop innovative solutions to organisational challenges (creative skills)
Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become an Organisational Development Consultant, you will need to develop a strong educational background and acquire relevant skills, but there are no specific qualifications required for this role. Here are some subjects that can be beneficial for aspiring Organisational Development Consultants:

  1. English: Strong written and verbal communication skills are essential for effective communication with clients and colleagues and for creating clear and persuasive reports and presentations.
  2. Mathematics: Basic math skills are helpful for analysing data and conducting quantitative research related to organisational development projects.
  3. Business Studies: Business studies can provide you with a foundational understanding of organisational structures, management principles, and business operations.
  4. Psychology or Sociology: Courses in psychology or sociology can be valuable for understanding human behaviour, motivation, group dynamics, and organisational culture.
  5. IT Skills: Familiarity with computer software, data analysis tools, and presentation software can be advantageous for analysing data and creating reports and presentations.

Post School

Start by earning a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as:

  • business
  • psychology
  • organisational development

While not always required, some Organisational Development Consultants choose to pursue a master’s degree in organisational development, organisational psychology, or a related field to gain advanced knowledge and skills.

Work Experience
Gain experience in roles related to organisational development, human resources, management, or consulting. Entry-level positions in these areas can provide valuable insights into organisational development processes.

Build a professional network in the field of organisational development by attending industry conferences, joining relevant associations, and connecting with colleagues and mentors.

Organisational Development Consultants play a crucial role in helping organisations enhance their performance and effectiveness. Developing a strong educational foundation, gaining practical experience, and honing essential skills will prepare you for a successful career in this field.

Working Hours and Environment:

Typically you could work 44 to 46 hours a week, occasionally including evenings.

You could work in an office, client locations, and sometimes remotely.

You could travel to meet with clients, conduct assessments, and facilitate workshops or training sessions.

Career Path & Progression:

Experienced OD Consultants may choose to establish their independent consulting practice or join established consulting firms.

Independent consultants have the flexibility to work with multiple clients and industries.

Advance to senior roles where you have greater responsibility for client engagements, manage consulting teams, and provide strategic direction to organisations seeking OD services.