
Job Description:

Geomorphologists analyse the processes that shape landforms, such as mountains, valleys, rivers, and coastlines, to understand how natural forces and human activities influence the Earth's surface.

Job Category:
Environmental Industry

What you will do:

As a geomorphologist, you will be:

  • Studying the creation, evolution, and alteration of various landforms like mountains, valleys, and river systems
  • Investigating processes of erosion by wind, water, and glaciers, as well as sediment deposition
  • Understanding the behavior of rivers, coastal areas, and how they shape the landscape
  • Exploring how tectonic forces and earthquakes influence landform changes
  • Studying how climate variations impact landforms through processes like glaciation and desertification
  • Creating maps that depict surface features and their geological history
  • Evaluating how human activities impact landforms and landscapes
  • Assessing the stability of slopes to prevent landslides and erosion-related disasters
  • Contributing to scientific knowledge through research and publishing findings
  • Sharing findings with the public, students, and policymakers to raise awareness about landform processes


You will need:

  • knowledge in geology, climatology and physical geography
  • knowledge of sedimentology and stratigraphy
  • knowledge of geomorphological processes
  • understanding the movement and interaction of Earth’s lithospheric plates
  • knowledge of geospatial tools (GIS and remote sensing)
  • understanding of human impacts on landforms and ecosystems

As well as:

Illustration of employee looking at workspace

Entry Requirements:

To become a geomorphologist, having a strong foundation in certain GCSE subjects is beneficial:

  1. Geography: Provides essential knowledge about landscapes, landforms, and Earth’s processes.
  2. Science (Physics/Chemistry/Biology): Understanding scientific principles relevant to Earth processes and environments.
  3. Mathematics: Enhances analytical and quantitative skills used in geological analysis.
  4. Environmental Science: Familiarity with ecosystems, natural processes, and human impacts on landscapes.
  5. English: Develops communication skills essential for reporting research findings.

While these subjects are useful, remember that becoming a geomorphologist requires further education at the university level, typically through a degree in geology, earth sciences, or a related field. Different institutions may have varying entry requirements, so it’s wise to research specific universities or colleges to tailor your academic preparation.

To become a geomorphologist, you need the following qualifications and requirements:


Start with a bachelor’s degree in geology, earth sciences, geography, or a related field.

Geomorphology Courses

Enroll in courses specifically focused on geomorphology to build specialised knowledge.

Field Experience

Gain practical fieldwork experience through internships, research projects, or field trips.

Advanced Degree (Optional)

Consider a master’s or Ph.D. for more specialised research opportunities and advanced positions.

Physical Fitness

Fieldwork often involves outdoor activities and traversing diverse terrains.

Working Hours and Environment:

Geomorphologists have flexible hours, including office-based research and irregular fieldwork, with diverse environments such as labs, outdoor sites, and travel, while adhering to safety protocols.

Career Path & Progression:

The typical geomorphologist career path involves education, entry-level roles, project management, senior positions, potential specialisation, optional consultation or teaching, research contributions, management or industry leadership opportunities, and potential entrepreneurship, all with continuous skill development and expertise growth.